The LHS Music Program was started in 2007 and has grown tremendously in the last several years. Today, Lincoln offers a variety of music classes for every level of musician, including Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, Jazz, Orchestra and Choir.
Students who participate in our programs should expect to be prepared to pursue any musical aspirations they have. Whether they intend to be lovers of music or professional musicians, there are many outlets and opportunities. We strive to prepare students for all of their goals and aspirations regardless of whether or not they choose to continue with music into higher education and adulthood.
You can get all the latest class offerings at:

Adv Audio Engineering
Department: CTE, Audio Engineering Code: 1149EPC1, 1149EPC2
1 credit | CTE/Elective credit Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Course Description
In Advanced Audio Engineering, students will learn to apply advanced skills and knowledge through recording, music production, and sound design projects. These will include working with our local partners in work-related learning experiences (as opportunities allow). Not only will students record people in our studio, but they will also continue mastering skills towards industry certification. Students in Advanced Audio Engineering will increase their portfolio of experience by running sound at assemblies, school concerts, and other school events.
Beginning Audio Engineering
Audio Engineer Practicum 1-2
Department: CTE, Audio Engineering Code: 1149EPD1, 1149EPD2
1 credit | CTE/Elective credit Grade(s): 11,12
Course Description
Audio Engineering Practicum is the final step in the CTE Program of Study in Audio Engineering. Have you excelled in Audio Engineering? Do you want to work on an individual audio project? Put your skills into practice for a full year or semester long project! Examples might include but are not limited to: producing a series of podcasts, heading the audio crew for a major Lincoln production, recording a full length album of original music, building a vintage tube guitar amplifier, doing a school wide audiology test, producing a mixed tape, interning for a local recording studio, etc. Students will have the freedom to develop a project that speaks to their interests and challenges their skill sets. By the third week of the class students will present a plan for an audio-based project to be implemented and carried out under the supervision and guidance of the teacher and a project mentor.
Advanced Audio Engineering

Beginning Audio Engineering
Department: CTE, Audio Engineering Code: 1149EP1, 1149EP2
1 credit | CTE/Elective credit Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Description
Audio Production 1-2 is designed to give students the basic knowledge and technical skills needed to prepare them for postsecondary study or entry level employment in the audio industry. The students will develop the technical skills necessary to operate the equipment to produce a finished audio product in both studio situations and live performance. Students will develop knowledge of the business of music which will include publishing and promotional issues. They will also study the language of music. In all situations, students will present themselves with integrity and professional behavior.
Music performance experience preferred but not required.
Cardinal Choir
Department: Performing Arts, Choir. Code: 1130LC1, 1130LC2
1 credit | Fine Art credit Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Description
Note: Occasional evening and weekend commitments, full-year commitment Cardinal Choir is an auditioned vocal ensemble of mixed voices grades 9-12. If you like to sing, Cardinal Choir is a great way to have an outlet in your day, make friends, be creative, and learn music. We sing songs in a variety of music styles, learn to read music better, and build vocal skills. The Cardinal Choir performs at seasonal choir concerts, Portland-area festivals, and school and community events. Cardinal Choir is also a touring ensemble and in recent years has toured to Seattle, Anaheim, San Francisco, and Victoria, British Columbia
Audition required - email Mrs. Riffel at to schedule

Guitar Lab 1-2
Department: Performing Arts, Instrumental Music. Code: 1126G1, 1126G2
1 credit | Fine Art credit Grade(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Course Description
NOTE: Students must provide their own acoustic guitars. This class will encompass beginning and lower-intermediate levels of guitar work. No audition is required. Primary study will emphasize individual skills of technique, scales, chords, and songs. Material covered will include the 18 first-position chords, minor and major pentatonic scales, Blues form, and E barred-root chords. Other components address music theory, history, music production, and song writing.Willingness to perform alone and with others is essential to the successful learning environment. Space is limited.
Inquiry & Leadership: Band (FLI BAND)
Department: Performing Arts, Instrumental Music. Code: 0842LB1, 0842LB2
1 credit | CCE Requirement credit. Grade(s): 9
Course Description
This course is designed for students to harness their full potential as Inspired.Global.Thinkers. Students in this course will develop an understanding of their own unique strengths and abilities, gain knowledge of valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, and explore a variety of careers and post-secondary options. Students will learn valuable anti-bullying skills, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol refusal skills and appropriate use of social media. As students explore their role in making the world a more peaceful place, they will participate in studies around mindfulness, peace, justice and conflict resolution. Students will enjoy guest speakers from a variety of careers, who visit classes to
share their career stories and offer advice. Students will also receive an introduction to the online college and career tools Lincoln students use throughout high school including MaiaLearning, Synergy StudentVUE, and Oregon Career Information System. This course allows 9th grade band and orchestra students to have a music making experience and take the Freshman Leadership and Inquiry required class without using their only elective. All band students will forecast for Freshman Leadership & Inquiry - Band. The FLIB Class will have the following instrumentation: flutes (includes piccolo); oboes; bassoons; clarinets; bass clarinet; alto saxophones; tenor saxophone; baritone saxophone; trumpets; French horns; trombones; Euphoniums; Tubas; String Bass; violins, violas, cellos, double bass, and percussion.Throughout the year, the FLI-Band students will combine with the Symphonic Band students to form our Pep and Marching Bands. We will learn cover-tunes of popular music to play at 4 football games (in the fall), approximately 5-8 basketball games (winter), and we'll march in 1-2 parades. Additionally, the FLI-Band will perform at 1 JV Band Festival in the spring, along with 3 evening concerts.
Previous band experience.

Inquiry & Leadership: Choir (FLI CHOIR)
Department: Performing Arts, Choir Code: 0842LC1, 0842LC2
1 credit | CCE Requirement credit Grade(s): 9
Course Description
This course is designed for students to harness their full potential as Inspired.Global.Thinkers. Students in this course will develop an understanding of their own unique strengths and abilities, gain knowledge of valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, and explore a variety of careers and post-secondary options. Students will learn valuable anti-bullying skills, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol refusal skills and appropriate use of social media. As students explore their role in making the world a more peaceful place, they will participate in studies around mindfulness, peace, justice and conflict resolution. Students will enjoy guest speakers from a variety of careers, who visit classes to share their career stories and offer advice. Students will also receive an introduction to the online college and career tools Lincoln students use throughout high school including MaiaLearning, Synergy StudentVUE, and Oregon Career Information System. Freshman Leadership & Inquiry - Choir is a way for students to do all of the above and also get involved with choir at Lincoln. Singing will be incorporated into the daily curriculum, and students will have the opportunity to build community and friendships with other students that have shared musical interests. FLIC will also musically prepare students for continued involvement in other choirs at Lincoln. Students will sing a variety of repertoire, learn basic music theory and musicianship, and develop a healthy and beautiful vocal technique. Students involved in FLIC may also audition for other choirs at Lincoln if desired.